66. How the world of Communications has changed

This Thursday, SCoRe organised a workshop with Nitin Mantri, CEO Avian WE for its students. The workshop focused on campaign planning and had multiple insights and information to ponder upon. This blog explores upon a small part of his session that is, how has the world of communications changed over the years.

1. Algorithms define information flow:
We have been consuming digital media for so long now but we don’t realise the nitty-gritty around it. How we behave online, our browsing history, most visited website, our likes and dislikes, everything is tracked on the internet. This gives the brands the insight on our engagement pattern and algorithms are built to leverage that. The big data is shaping the communication approach for corporates in a more effective and targeted way. The algorithms have defined the information flow entirely and this could be leveraged by the corporates through their communication strategy.

2. Digital behaviour is changing the decision-making process:
The growing digital engagement and has shaped the consumer behaviour and that is one of the key things that brands are picking up on. Digital is conveniently at the tip of our finger and this makes approaching the target group through digital platforms easier added the algorithms and the brands can entirely influence the decisions of their target customers in their favours.

3. Trust is moving away from elites:
Trust is the most important and the hardest thing to achieve. Corporate reputation is all about building the customer’s trust towards an organisation. In the earlier time, trust was bestowed upon the elites in society. People had the tendency of trusting public figures, and privileged individuals. Now people are becoming more conscious of where they are investing their trust and confidence. All corporates can build trust within their stakeholders through effective communication and engagement.  

4. People are protecting their attention:
The word attention here indicates privacy. Most of us are exposed to all kinds of information now, through online portals or offline mediums but we don’t intake anything and everything. The consumers are becoming selective in the type of content they consume and they wish to protect their privacy at all costs. Keeping that into consideration, the corporates can adopt the pull strategy when it comes to engagement with its target group. Make your content so effective that it commands attention for itself.

The world of communication has in fact changed and now corporates need to be more articulate, creative, and distinct in their communication.


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