80. Emoticons making communication ineffective

Emoticons are beautiful, they make conversations interesting and they prevent the talks from truing boring. But, they also limit the words and make communication ineffective. As a person who has been writing continuously for months now I just had to write about this. This is my dilemma, something that I truly believe in and have been trying to justify for a long time now. So in this blog, I will do just that, I will talk about how emoji or emoticons are making communication ineffective.

We all talk on social media platforms, constant messages and quick conversations, and how many of us use emoticons in our messages? I am sure the answer would be almost all.

Communication is all about giving words to our thoughts and opinions. It is a way of sending across our messages to make the person understand our intent and the meaning behind it. Any piece of communication fails when it communicates unintended meaning. Miscommunication leads to misunderstanding. Emoticons are like an unworded piece of messages that increase the chance of miscommunication. It lives a lot of room for the receiver’s interpretation which is not always in the other person’s favour.

There are so many emoticons that we use which has undefined or multiple meanings. This makes room for misinterpretation and makes communication ineffective.

Messaging is all about giving words to your thoughts if those words are predefined and restricted to a few faces that means something I think the point and the intent are lost somewhere. Even if the message comes across as intent it limits the feedback as well in a way because of a lack of words.
Use of emoticons is acceptable in informal communication because the scope or the degree of harm if misinterpreted is less in that social setting. But, when it comes to formal or professional communication, emoticons should be avoided to avoid any type of miscommunication. Effectively worded and articulate messaging is always better.  


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