44. Is this equality? #stoptransbill2019
We talk about equality all over
the world. We talk about women rights, gender discrimination and issues along
those lines. But we often fail to acknowledge that gender inequality goes
beyond that. There are many other issues that need our collective attention
and support when it comes to gender equality.
In a country that is gradually
stepping towards development, Transgender Bill 2019 is a huge step
backwards. #stoptransbill2019 is a
hashtag currently trending on social media. People are coming up to support the
transgender community in hopes of establishing equality across gender. The
bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on 5th August 2019. Since then
communities have been protesting against it.

The bill is in direct
contradiction with the NALSA Judgement: National Legal Services Authority of
India (NALSA) declares the transgender people to be the third gender. It also
gave them the right to self-identification of their gender as male, female or
transgender. The transgender bill 2019 clearly contradicts this decision.
It mandates a ‘Screening
Committee’ to prove transgender identity: The bill mandates trans people to go
through a district screening committee to get certified as a transgender person
and the revised certificate can only be obtained if they undergo surgery to
confirm their gender.
It denies them the freedom to choose
their residence: According to the bill, transgender people have the right to
reside in their houses with their families. If they don’t reside with their
families, they can go to a rehabilitation centre. But, most of these people
face unacceptance and violence from their families. This forces them to move
out of the house.
The penalties for violence
against transgender people is very less: The penalty for assault of sexual
nature or otherwise against transgender person ranges from as low as six months
to a maximum of two years. On the contrary, it is life imprisonment for raping a woman. This in a way sub-humans the community.
Now the Rajya Sabha is to decide
upon the Transgender Bill 2019 soon. So, let’s stand up against inequality.
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