92. A basic guide for ‘Work from home’

Work from home, the practice is of great importance and necessary to adapt to keeping in mind the unfortunate circumstances. What used to be an occasional option is now the reality for most of the working professionals in and beyond the country. Coronavirus (COVID- 19) has created major stress on the country and its people. The illness is life threatening and has forced the government to take drastic measures as to prevent it from spreading further. Lockdown has been imposed on major cities to discourage mass gatherings and chances for virus transmission.

The country is suffering economically as well with minimum to no productivity in the business segment. The uncertainty of the situation is taking a toll on the businesses. Employees are advised to work from home. While the practice seems fairly easy, it sometimes leads to less productivity because of the disturbance in routine. Work from home needs sincere dedication and the willpower to avoid distractions. The practice is tough but possible. Following are some of the tips which can help you in actually working from home:

Dress for the day: Work from home does not give you an excuse to not dress properly. Sitting in casual clothes is bound to give you a casual attitude towards your work. Dress properly and you will feel more prepared for the work. Make an effort and dress appropriately, especially if you have a video call with your colleagues.

Plan your day: Plan your tasks ahead of time. Set a deadline for each task to get a better understanding of what your day should be like. Even plan your break so that you don’t end up taking frequent and long breaks.

Set ground rules with the people in your space: This is really important to avoid any kind of potential distractions. Always set ground rules with the people in your vicinity so that there is no disturbance and the setting feels professional.

Build a dedicated work space: This is more to give you a professional feel so that your attitude towards the work remains focused. Set a dedicated work space and stick to it to establish a routine for your work. This will be helpful to systematise your work especially in case of work from home for multiple days.

Get a reliable internet connection: This one is th
e most important in today’s day and age. There might be some exceptions but almost all of us need internet connectivity to work. Make sure that you have a reliable network.

Analyse your day: At the end of your working hours, always check if your day was productive. Analyse if you have completed all your tasks within deadlines.


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