91. How brands can handle COVID-19
The world is experiencing fear and uncertainty with the unexpected onslaught of coronavirus across the globe. The disease has taken more than 6000 lives till date with the number of new cases increasing continuously.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), ‘Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).’ The virus is easily transmittable between humans through a mere touch.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has created panic in the public. The situation is getting worse day by day and there is an increasing need for authentic communication to pacify the public. With the help of proper precautionary measures, the disease can be effectively dealt with.
The Pandemic has created stress on the economy and its people. Brands contribute to a huge part of communication in people's life today with constant engagement offline as well as online. It is time for corporate and brands to act responsibly and help manage the situation better. Following are some of the ways through which brands can handle COVID-19:
Educate people: Misinformation or half information is the root cause of most of the problems. This is also one of the major causes of increasing panic in the public. Brands have established channels to communicate to masses which they can leverage to pacify the public and encourage calmness. They should also take initiatives to educate the public and their employees about the precautionary measures to avoid the virus.
Modify their services: Brands which provide subscription based services can modify their offerings in a way to communicate their regards to their customers. Gyms can extend the membership period; coaching classes can provide online assistance, etc. This will send across a message that the brands are not operating with the sole purpose of making profit, that they care about their customers and will stand with them through thick and thin.
Discourage mass gathering: Brands from some specific industries such as clothing stores, grocery stores can keep their stores closed to discourage mass gatherings and promote the preca
utions against the disease. They can also offer home deliveries to serve their customers more effectively.
Act proactively: Brands should be proactive in their approach and take instant actions based on the rapidly changing situations. The internal as well as external communications should be in real time.
Most important of all, the brands should prioritise their employees over anything else. They should offer their employees appropriate help and work from home facilities to ensure their safety. The brands should maintain a sense of calm in its own people to tackle the situation better. The pandemic is testing the world together and we have to fight together and come out stronger. Effective communication and precautionary measures is the key to handle the COVID-19.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has created panic in the public. The situation is getting worse day by day and there is an increasing need for authentic communication to pacify the public. With the help of proper precautionary measures, the disease can be effectively dealt with.
The Pandemic has created stress on the economy and its people. Brands contribute to a huge part of communication in people's life today with constant engagement offline as well as online. It is time for corporate and brands to act responsibly and help manage the situation better. Following are some of the ways through which brands can handle COVID-19:
Educate people: Misinformation or half information is the root cause of most of the problems. This is also one of the major causes of increasing panic in the public. Brands have established channels to communicate to masses which they can leverage to pacify the public and encourage calmness. They should also take initiatives to educate the public and their employees about the precautionary measures to avoid the virus.
Modify their services: Brands which provide subscription based services can modify their offerings in a way to communicate their regards to their customers. Gyms can extend the membership period; coaching classes can provide online assistance, etc. This will send across a message that the brands are not operating with the sole purpose of making profit, that they care about their customers and will stand with them through thick and thin.
Discourage mass gathering: Brands from some specific industries such as clothing stores, grocery stores can keep their stores closed to discourage mass gatherings and promote the preca
utions against the disease. They can also offer home deliveries to serve their customers more effectively.
Act proactively: Brands should be proactive in their approach and take instant actions based on the rapidly changing situations. The internal as well as external communications should be in real time.
Most important of all, the brands should prioritise their employees over anything else. They should offer their employees appropriate help and work from home facilities to ensure their safety. The brands should maintain a sense of calm in its own people to tackle the situation better. The pandemic is testing the world together and we have to fight together and come out stronger. Effective communication and precautionary measures is the key to handle the COVID-19.
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