93. Social Distancing- Let’s be united in spirit

The world is facing an extraordinary crisis right now with the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) affecting the people worldwide. As a result, thousands of people have lost their life with the number increasing day by day. The fear and panic in the public has heightened with the situation worsening with time. While the disease has no antidote as of now, we need an instant antidote for the stress in the public. The solution can come in the form of unity and emotional support. A 21 day lockdown has been announced in India till 14th April, 2020 to fight COVID-19. Social distancing is said to be the best way to prevent the virus transmission and increase in new COVID-19 positive cases. In this constantly engaging and interactive era, social distancing sounds like a foreign concept. Recall the last time you willingly stayed at your home for 21 days at a stretch. I am sure it would have happened a long time ago, if ever. The lockdown is a challenge for the public and together we have to ...