69. Book Review: Crisis Communication

Crisis Communication Practical PR strategies for reputation management and company survival Edited by: Peter F Anthonissen Year of Publishing: 2009 No organisation is immune to crisis. It can come at the most unexpected time with no warnings at all. Crisis preparedness is one part of crisis management, but, you can never be too prepared. At times things can go wrong in the most unexpected way. While quoting Murphy’s Law “Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way”, the author writes, “Every CEO a senior executive should keep a copy of Murphy’s Law prominently displayed on their desk to remind them to be ready to face its consequences.” Multiple renowned Communication Heads, PR consultant, senior executive, and crisis communication experts have contributed to the book and it has been finally edited by Peter F Anthonissen. The header of every chapter mentions the main contributor to it. It is scientifically prov...