44. Is this equality? #stoptransbill2019

We talk about equality all over the world. We talk about women rights, gender discrimination and issues along those lines. But we often fail to acknowledge that gender inequality goes beyond that. There are many other issues that need our collective attention and support when it comes to gender equality. In a country that is gradually stepping towards development, Transgender Bill 2019 is a huge step backwards. #stoptransbill2019 is a hashtag currently trending on social media. People are coming up to support the transgender community in hopes of establishing equality across gender. The bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on 5 th August 2019. Since then communities have been protesting against it. So let’s understand the root of this issue. In this blog, we will explore how Transgender Bill 2019 violates the rights of the community. The bill is in direct contradiction with the NALSA Judgement: National Legal Services Authority of India (NALSA) declares the tra...